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Why is it the guys are ordering waaaay more Lip Works than women? I thank you guys but Ladies, you really need to pay attention The info below might SHOCK you! LIP BALMS ARE NEEDED ALL YEAR ! That's right! Your lips are 100 times more sensitive than your finger tips. Now that could be helpful if you are in a lip lock with someone you are passionate about. But what if Just what IF you have lip CANCER LADIES, you need Lip Works made with all organic ingredients on those kissable lips. Put it on BEFORE your lipstick to protect you from the SUN and also because MOST lipstick contains LEAD which is hazardous to your health Did you...

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We're excited to be offering, at the MARKET OPENING this Saturday, June 5th, Take & Make Bug Spray classes. The Market, run by Mode Hospitality, is located at Drummond Farms, 67/69 Concession 5 Rd E., Waterdown, ON (just east of Hwy 6 on Conc 5) Opens at 9 to 2 and class is any time you ask. See more info below. I cannot sell BUG SPRAY as our natural bug repellent that's good for us humans and our dogs at keeping the tics, fleas and mosquitoes at bay, is forbidden by the Government as it doesn't contain the chemical DEET. HOWEVER, I can teach you how to make it and have done so in past years. OR I can have...

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It All Started Here

These delicate flowers you see in the picture produce the sweetest aroma. Almost too sweet if you sniff a lot of the essential oil This is how I started my journey back and regained my mental health - long before The Big C I was an agoraphobic. Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by symptoms of anxiety in situations where the person perceives their environment to be unsafe with no easy way to escape. These situations can include open spaces, public transit, shopping centres, or simply being outside their home. Let me tell you that being Agoraphobic is not fun. Friends and family don’t understand why you keep turning down invitations or you accept but cancel at the last minute....

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Enfleurage Organics at Canadian Organic Growers Conference 2012 This is an interview of Colleen Lowe at the COG Conference in 2012. Learn about Argan oil from Morocco that is preserved at a co-operative who we buy from. Watch Colleen show her line of unique handcrafted soaps including soaps with sheeps milk and soaps that are made for dogs. Canadian Organic Growers (COG) is Canada’s national organic farmer and consumer association and is a registered educational charity. COG offers training and resources to raise awareness about organics and assist farmers and gardeners in adopting sustainable and commercially viable, organic production methods. This is an organization engaged in policy work and industry development at the local, regional and national level and offer a voice for organic farmers and consumers...

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With essential oils becoming more and more popular and so easy to obtain, I feel it's time to put out a few things you should know about essential oils and your pets. Whenever using essential oils in a diffuser be sure it is one that uses water or has a special area where you drop in the essential oils. MORE is not better. Only a very few drops of essential oils is sufficient for both you and your animals. Your pets have a much more sensitive nose to scent than we do. You'd be amazed at how much better they smell things vs us humans. AND not all essential oils are good for them. PLEASE be sure that you NEVER LEAVE...

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SKUNK SPRAY Thought I’d share this with you today in order to make your summer more enjoyable   Those cute little black and white critters waddling across your lawn can also hide under your car or SURPRISE you as you step out of your car after an enjoyable evening out.   Yes I’m into aromatherapy but no thanks, that eau de peppi la pew is not one I appreciate.   I discovered that a handy spray bottle used daily does an amazing job of keeping those cute critters away   I bought a spray 12-16 ounce spray bottle at my fav dollar store. You may have to shop your number one health food store for a 15 ml bottle of...

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SLEEPLESS IN _________?

No fun is it?  I know the feeling and I’ve found the answer and sharing it with you Your health is of utmost importance.  Sleep is a major player in your good heath. It builds your immunity and these days we need that in peak shape Take 1 tablespoon of your favourite carrier/massage oil (coconut, avocado, shea butter, argan). Place into a small cup or dish. To this oil add 6 drops of Lavender and 3 drops of frankincense or cedar wood or vetiver essential oil Dip your fingers into the blend and gently rub the bottom of your feet with this. As you rub, be sure to massage each toe (perhaps you recall the children’s story of ‘this little...

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it can be quite confusing to some when it comes to just how much essential oil should you be using and for the different people in your life. We have a great downloadable pdf that will help you with this issue, however, our store isn't equipped to attach it here. Kindly email us at the address below and we'll send it off to you Email us here: Thanks for taking the time to write to us.

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Hi Everyone ! Quite often I get asked 'why the butterflies?'.  Monarch butterflies were one of nature's first ways of telling us humans that GMO'd corn is harmful.  Monarchs feed off the silk of corn and suddenly they were dropping dead.  Research proved it was from the GMO'd corn. As well, I had cancer 17 years ago and for 2 years had to fight for my life.  During my healing a friend took me to a beautiful park on the shores of Lake Ontario.  As we sat peacefully soaking up the sun, a little butterfly came to visit me.  Fluttering all around me for a very long time. During my convalescence I was researching a lot of things.  My life...

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My life, like most others, just keeps on going faster and faster. Time to do those little things you used to do seems to have evaporated and there sits that project unfinished, the coffee date with a friend cancelled and the list goes on. You know yourself what you've had to put off.   We all NEED personal time. Time to just BE. That time where you take that book you've been meaning to read and actually sit down and open the cover, or meditate or whatever you consider ME time.   A year and a half ago I moved into a new, to me, house. I'd wanted to live in this house or one similar for years. FINALLY the...

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